
The Nest MagSafe Stand

Honeyfloh is our creative outlet. It is the byproduct of the things we call ourselves: engineers, designers, and artists. It is a belief that everyday things can be thought about and redone in new and exciting ways, that something as simple as light can be both a work of art and an avenue for innovation. Simply put, this is where we create, and we humbly hope that what we design here can become a part of your everyday.

For Cozy Living

Thoughtfully designed to bring warmth and comfort to your space.

3D printed from plant-based materials.

Sustainability is at the forefront of our creative process. By using plant-derived materials and 3D printing, we drastically reduce material waste as compared to traditional manufacturing.

Designed and produced in-house.

Each of our lamps are thoughtfully designed, printed with care, and hand-assembled. We take pride in pushing the boundaries of what's possible to create the perfect light for you.

Unreal print quality.

We utilize extremely high quality filaments and best-in-class printers to produce a smooth matte finish on our lamps, all without the need of sanding or post-processing. We want you to say "No way, that's 3D printed!?"